Tin Foil Confessions: I Am An Ex Conspiracy Theorist (VIDEO)


Peace, blessings and welcome!

Now, some of you may know me.. some of you may not. Hello, I’m Brent Lee. Recently I was asked on my friend Truthseekah’s podcast (click here to watch) to talk about conspiracy theories and my former, very deep belief in them.

I was a full on conspiracy theorist.. I identified through and through as a truther. This video is kind of a testimony to answer some of the questions I got from viewers after the Truthseekah interview and some other friends on Facebook and Twitter. 

What exactly did I believe?

I believed in -what I called- “The Grand Conspiracy” it is the New World Order, Illuminati, Freemason global conspiracy. I believed that secret societies were running the upper echelons of politics, banks, corporations, religious institutions, universities, the entertainment industry, even organised crime. I believed they were involved in nearly every facet of our life, pretty much.. but they hadn’t quite achieved global domination… yet… that - was an “agenda” called.. ---the New World Order--- which these elites were trying to fulfil.

I call it the grand conspiracy because I also believed that most other conspiracy theories played some part in the grand conspiracy. You know… the assassination of JFK, the Oklahoma bombing, 9/11, 7/7, UFO’s, MKUltra, and anything else that sort of comes under the umbrella term of conspiracy theory.. all of it.. was them.

Lastly, I believed that these secret societies were mystery schools which practised black magic and ritual sacrifice. I believed that terror attacks, mass shootings and assassinations were occult rituals, mostly orchestrated through the intelligence services and committed by mind controlled patsies. They did this in order to birth their new world order through black magic.

When and how did I come to believe this?

In 2003..was when I first came across this worldview. The very first video I watched left quite a big impression. It was called “Millennium 2000”. It was presented by Anthony J. Hilder and there was a guest on there who completely blew me away. He was like a well of wisdom.. so full of knowledge.. His name was Jordan Maxwell. This Millennium 2000 video was mainly about how the illuminati and freemasons were the hidden hand in history and had now infiltrated the governments of the world. They showed this through their symbology. I started to look up some more of his material and found other people talking about these things and over the next year or so there were four people specifically whose media I consumed a lot of.  

These four were Jordan Maxwell, William Cooper, David Icke and Alex Jones. 

I read every book, watched every video and listened to every radio appearance I could get a hold of from these guys. And then I checked every source -they- had referenced. Their information coupled with what I had myself confirmed.. was the beginning of my belief system. For the next 10 years I consumed pretty much nothing but this type of media. 

It was a literal obsession. 24 hrs a day, 365 days a year.

What made you start to question your belief system?

Well, I've always had a few issues with the different truther camps and the ideas pushed that were by the big personalities.. there were always certain things i didn’t agree with and thought were distasteful or just plain bigoted but I brushed that off thinking that was just a couple of fringe groups out there latching on to this loose knit community. But these disagreements didn’t make me question my belief in the grand conspiracy. We were still somewhat on the same page. I remember there were other disagreements I had back on the David Icke forum about the historicity of jesus. a mod was arguing with me because I was sharing some of the stuff I had found which argued Jesus really walked the earth and his direct followers continued his ministry. Now whether they were holy or not is a question of faith but the academic consensus is that Jesus was a historical figure. and that didn’t go down so well because David Icke and Jordan Maxwell among others teach Astrotheology. This is the belief that all the major religions are actually a cover for astrological worship. one quick example is: Jesus is the sun (the son/sun of God) and his 12 followers are the 12 signs of the zodiac.. therefore christianity is nothing but sun worship. There were other things I found out to just be completely untrue.. something Jordan Maxwell is well known for is what Mike Heiser has coined *Paleobabble which is essentially, word salad. He would say something like - the word Israel is the name of three different gods (Isis - Ra - El)…which, it categorically isn’t.. and Genesis was the genes of Isis.. again.. not true… or Solomon was three different words for the sun (sol - om - on) .. again.. false. 

Yet still even after discovering these errors, I wasn't deterred from the grand conspiracy.

What really got the ball rolling was a sandy hook. Truthers were spinning this new narrative that the massacre was really a hoax played out by crisis actors and nobody died. This theory then was recycled for lots of tragic events after that from the Boston marathon bombing to the Pulse nightclub shooting.. that was the first time I really felt completely disconnected with the truth movement. From that point, 2012 till around 2015 there was so much wild stuff going up on YouTube and being shared on social media that I just found myself disagreeing with so much because it just got.. Ridiculous. You had this crisis actor, hoax narrative then Justin Bieber and Eminem are illuminati clones, they had been swapped with Illuminati clones. Almost every famous woman is “secretly” a man. Mandela effect. Pizzagate. Even flat earth started to gain some traction with some of my friends. I thought this stuff is just getting wild.. little did I know how wild it was going to get!

What made the house of cards collapse?

So now we’re talking between 2015-2018.. from me distancing myself from the online communities till i was completely done.. During those years my interests in politics, religion, society and culture continued to blossom and honestly, the more I learned, the more I found the things I knew were wrong. The logistics of this grand conspiracy were just impossible. I just couldn’t make anything fit anymore. Then on the world
stage there was quite a lot happening that really didn’t fit with that new world order agenda.. a few things that really were the final nails in the coffin. Was Qanon and the election of trump, then over here in England it was the United Kingdom voting for brexit..and leadership of jeremy corbyn taking over the labour party.. the Illuminati would never have allowed these things to happen.. ever.

What did you do after building your whole life around this conspiracy myth? And what next?

The first thing I did was completely withdraw from these online communities.. I logged off facebook and barely logged back on for 3 years. I just silently walked away from all my friends online and every one I had met through the truth music directory. I didn't talk to anyone about my doubts.. I didn't discuss it with anyone.. I just logged off.

But my interests were still intact. I continued learning about the subjects I enjoyed and started to do research about “conspiracy theories” which has been enlightening. I feel like I have discovered a lot about myself from it. And I have discovered even more about this grand conspiracy myth and where it came from. I have completely deprogrammed myself from believing anything to do with this grand conspiracy myth. I do not believe it exists. I believe I have gathered more than enough evidence now to prove to myself that this myth is itself a hoax.. it is a big lie. And that brings me to what’s next? Over the next few months I am hoping to share more of this journey with you. I want to share with you the truth behind much of this conspiracy myth which helped me deconstruct my world view. I hope sharing this with you and breaking it down with you over the coming weeks and months ahead could help either someone who shares the same experiences I had or if you have a friend or family member obsessed with conspiracies, maybe this can help you understand them better.  If you are here because of a loved one, I just want you to know.. all hope is not lost.. as far down the rabbit hole they are, they can still come back.

So I think that’s about it for now.. if you have any questions or suggestions for another video, please leave me a comment. If you enjoyed this or found it all interesting, drop me a link and if you are interested in seeing my future videos and this journey, please subscribe! Thanks for watching! 

Much love, stay blessed. 
