Idol: noun
1) An image or representation of a god used as an object of worship
2) A person or thing that is greatly admired, loved, or revered * - movie idol Robert Redford
Last week we came across a disturbing news article and image in which Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez have been "Immortalized" in a bronze statue by the controversial sculptor Daniel Edwards. This statue is called "Justin & Selena As One" and depicts the practically naked couple as a 21st Century Adam & Eve. Looking deeper at the sculpture we can also see a few other themes like Androgyny, Paedophilia, Inter-Species sex (Hybrids) and even Mind Control.
"As One" obviously alludes to the mixing of the sexes (Androgyny) and as you can see from the image Justin & Selena's bodies have emerged into one and are sharing limbs. This also alludes to the Mind Control theme as Justin is slightly behind Selena and the middle leg that is leading the way is hers. Could Selena Gomez be Justin Bieber's handler? The paedophilia link is very blatant and we wonder if we really need to point out to any of our readers that Bieber is under the age of consent? Even more disturbing is the news of another sculpture by Edwards that will be accompanying this piece... a sculpture of Justin's... GENITALS!
This sculpture will be alongside a recreation of Jimi Hendrix's genitals to show that "Justin can hang with Jimi". At the base of the statue is a Goose mounting an Armadillo which we believe to be a symbol of the hybridization of angel / alien / Jinn (whatever your belief) and man under the guise of these animals being mascots of Bieber & Gomez's geographical origin. The couple also have an allegedly patriotic symbol each covering their intimate parts, Selena having the "Lone Star" of Texas which in reality is just a 5 Pointed star or Pentagram and Justin has the Canadian Maple Leaf. Maple trees and leaves are a pagan symbol, please refer to our Beltane article (click here) for more information on that.
Daniel Edwards has also made many other sculptures which have an esoteric and occult symbolic meaning. His main trick though is to get the public to obsess over the controversial aspects of the image first and thus ignore the true symbology of his "art".
Jay Z with a Sparrow on his head
Lady Gaga as Saint Francis of Assisi - This sculpture was made from oil collected by Edwards from the Gulf oil spill
Angelina Jolie breastfeeding is similar to the many depictions of Isis breastfeeding Horus as pictured below
The Oprah Winfrey Sarcophagus bears a remarkable resemblence to the many mother goddess figurines and idols that were common in antiquity

Marc Quinn
Another artist who is noted for 'immortalizing' celebrities in gold, bronze and marble, is Marc Quinn.
Marc Quinn posing as God... see Michaelangelo's painting "The Creation Of Adam" below... note how he is dressed in all white next to some enlarged Torah scrolls.
Quinn is part of the Young British Artists. This is a noted group of artists that started independently displaying their artwork in warehouses and factories in the 1980's. A number of successful and highly controversial artists arose from this group including Damien Hirst and Tracey Emin. Many of these artists were initially supported by Charles Saatchi. Saatchi is co founder of the global advertising company 'M&C Saatchi'. In the 80's, his company was famous for many successful campaigns including 'Silk Cut' cigarettes, promotion of the Conservatives led by Maggie Thatcher, and British Airways. In other words, Saatchi is in with the 'big boys'.
Quinn has shown a particular fascination with Kate Moss. In 2006 he made a series of bronze sculptures of her in various Yoga poses for an exhibition entitled 'Sphinx (road to enlightenment)'. When asked about this Quinn said
''She is a contemporary version of the Sphinx. A mystery. There must be something about her that has clicked with the collective unconscious to make her so ubiquitous, so spirit of the age"
Quinn also said:
"When people look back at this time she'll be the archetypal image, just as Louise Brooks was in the 1920s. For me as an artist it's interesting to make something about the time I live in."
All of the sculptures are finished with white paint except one which is left bronze. This appears to show Kate in a Buddhist meditation pose and she doesn't have any skin.

He said this picture gives the feel of ''more limbs than are actually the multi limbed Hindu deity Shiva''. This is just one of his references to Kate being like an actual Goddess.
In 2008 he went on to create a solid 18 carat gold version of one of these bronze statues which he entitled 'Siren'. It was displayed in the British Museum amongst statues of Greek deities including Aphrodite. It is the largest gold statue made by man since ancient Egyptian times. Kate Moss said she feels this lifts her into a mythical level! The statue was raised on a plinth and is supposed to ''hark back to the Egyptian, Assyrian and Classical statues that already fill the museum''.
The papers even admitted that she ''has been paid the kind of compliment normally reserved for Egyptian queens and mythological goddesses.''
Zeus & Minerva
Kate Moss isn't the only person to be immortalized by Quinn...
We are not saying that it is our personal opinion that anyone who likes these celebrities or sculptures is doing anything wrong or unholy. We are just trying to show that yet again 'THEY' (The Hierarchy Enslaving You) are trying to put the idea of these people being more than human into our subconscious and that they do not respect the beliefs of any organised religion. At the very least, creating these false idols is insulting to Muslims, Catholics and Jews which is what we do have a problem with. To a degree, we can also add Hindus and Buddhists into the equation because although they do not condemn the creation and use of man made God or Goddess representations, they do not believe in an excessive admiration, devotion, envy or attachment to a person or thing from this world such as a celebrity or money. It has been made very clear in religious text that idol worship is not a positive thing:
ACTS 15:29 - Therefore since we are God's offspring, we should not think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone--an image made by man's design and skill.
PSALMS 115:4 - But their idols are silver and gold, made by the hands of men.
LEVITICUS 19:4 - Do not turn to idols or make gods of cast metal for yourselves.
This really is just the tip of the iceberg and we hope to return soon with a full exposé of key players in the art world including all the sculptures and works by the two aforementioned "artists". Much love and many blessings till next time!
The Makers of False Idols
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