Something is happening.. something BIG! Honestly, it seems you can't go a few weeks without some major occult ritual occurring in front of our eyes. You can't even sit down with the intention of enjoying a few bands playing at a music festival without being bombarded with subliminal suggestions, occult symbology and the secret indoctrination of the New World Order. Not only from the propagandist BBC who own the sole rights to cover the event but from the presenters, musicians, singers, reporters and organizers themselves. What we witnessed has shocked us, and what we have uncovered will probably surprise you as much as it did us.
What follows is an overview of the Glastonbury Festival, it's origins, it's occult ties and the ritual of 2011. Along with this overview, we have also written a full analysis of each of the headlining acts.
Glastonbury History: What is Glastonbury?
The 4th incarnation of the Pyramid Stage at Glastonbury
The Glastonbury Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts is an annual event held near the English town of Glastonbury. In September 1970, local farmer Michael Eavis held "The Pilton Pop, Blues & Folk Festival". Soon after this festival was held, Eavis was approached by Druid & Neo-Pagans, Andrew Kerr, Bill Harkin & Arabella Churchill with an offer to organize another free music festival on his land the following year. Eavis agreed and in 1971 the "Glastonbury Fayre" was born.
Michael Eavis
Who were these people?
Andrew Kerr
Andrew Kerr is the man responsible for changing the name of the festival to "Glastonbury Fayre" and helping Michael Eavis create the festival we know today. He brought his druid beliefs to the event by moving the date to celebrate the Summer Solstice and after dousing the area decided the placement of the main stage to be on an alleged Ley Line connected with Stonehenge only a few miles away.
Bill Harkin
Bill Harkin, the designer of the main stage at Glastonbury known as "The Pyramid Stage". In 1970, Bill Harkin met Michael Eavis after he was camping in a field and looking up at the stars when he "Experienced an intense feeling of light" that told him to go to Glastonbury. Harkin then met Eavis at Glastonbury Tor, which according to Celtic legend is a portal to the underworld and site where Joseph of Aramathea buried the Holy Grail. He is also the Architect & Designer who designs the stage for the Conservative Party Conference.
Arabella Spencer-Churchill
Arabella Spencer-Churchill was the granddaughter of former English Prime Minister and Druid Winston Churchill. Before becoming one of the founders of Glastonbury, Arabella worked at London Weekend Television (now ITV London) and appeared on the cover of LIFE Magazine as part of a feature on the possible future spouses of Prince Charles. Note Arabella's surname... She is from the Spencer family, we can only guess that her bloodline must not have been pure enough as the Royals eventually settled on Diana Spencer instead.
Arabella Spencer-Churchill on the cover of LIFE Magazine
In 1971 she left London due to a scandal in which she snubbed a NATO function and ran away to Glastonbury after being invited by her friend Andrew Kerr. Her connection with Kerr is that he was her father's close friend and assistant and biographer for her grandfather Winston Churchill.
Winston Churchill: center-right wearing a bowtie
A Spiritual Satellite: The Pyramid Stage
1971, The first incarnation of the Pyramid Stage at Glastonbury
Bill Harkin's "Pyramid Stage" design was inspired according to his own words "after I had a dream in which I saw two beams of light, forming the Pyramid". According to Glastonbury's official website, The Pyramid Stage was built because
"...the pyramid shape is a very powerful structure, the apex of which draws energy up and transmits it still further while the energy from the stars and sun are attracted to it and drawn down." - Glastonbury Official Website
A BBC clip about the history of the Pyramid Stage went so far as to call it a "Spiritual Satellite". And that's what we think they believe it is. But to where? To who? And why?
As Above So Below: The Stone Circle & the site's Astronomical ties
The Swan Circle aligned with Cygnus / Orpheus / Roc
Ivan McBeth, a Druid in the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids and founder of the Megalithic Order of Druids, was approached by Michael Eavis in 1990 to build a stone circle to commemorate the Summer Solstice in an area of his land called "The Green Fields". McBeth and his partner Iain Sika Rose initially built "The Pixie Circle" on the highest spot on site but two years later Eavis asked McBeth to build a bigger one. They then constructed "The Swan Stone Circle" an egg shaped circle mirroring the constellation Cygnus. Since it's construction in 1992, it has now been made the annual site for holding the opening ceremony of Glastonbury Festival.
Glastonbury opening ceremony 2011
An odd fact about the Swan Stone Circle from the official Glastonbury website:
"Under each stone are significant items that represent the direction of which each faces. There are crystals from Stonehenge, water from the Ganges, stone from the Pyramids, healing herb and many, many other items of mystical and religious significance." - Glastonbury Official Website
Why so vague? Why not tell us exactly what lies beneath the stones? The oddities do not stop there. Accompanying this Swan Stone Circle in the Green Fields is also a 30 foot Dragon and a King Oak (... a majestic and very old tree). We couldn't find much information about the dragon but find it more than a coincidence that Cygnus (Swan), Draco (Dragon) & Cepheus (King) are neighbours in the sky.
An Unholy Trinity: Cygnus, Draco & Cepheus
Cepheus: The King
The constellation of Cepheus takes it's name from an ancient Ethiopian king, in some tales he is linked with Epaphus, the ancestor of all the pharaohs, in Greek mythology he was the father of the royal family and according to Arabic Astronomers he is Khufu, the alleged Pharaoh who ordered the building of the Great Pyramid of Giza. To the Jew, Christian and Muslim, the Pharaoh represents the ultimate in human rebellion against God, for Pharaoh declared himself God and demanded that all worship him. These attributes are all too similar to what the alleged Anti-Christ of Revelation will say and do. This is the son of the Unholy Trinity. We feel at this point we should say whether one believes in these prophecies or gods and goddesses or not, one thing is apparent, THEY do. And that is what's truly important here, understanding what exactly it is THEY believe.
To the Egyptians, Draco was recognized as Tawaret the demon-wife of Apep, the original god of evil.. She is linked with Lilith and other unholy goddesses and demons. In Ancient Mesopotamia she was considered to be the female monster: Tiamat, symbol of chaos. Christian legend equates Draco with the Leviathan of The Book of Revelation. So this Draco is definitely the feminine aspect of this unholy trinity.
Cygnus / Orpheus /Roc
What's left is the masculine aspect of this trinity... In Pre-Islamic Arabian mythology and folklore the constellation we in the west call Cygnus was known as the "Roc", a mythical bird similar to an Eagle or Phoenix.
According to the Ethiopian Holy Book: The Kebra Nagast, the Roc delivered a holy piece of wood to King Solomon so he could complete building the Temple. This piece of wood was given an honoured place in the Temple and decorated with silver rings after it was said to have healed the Queen of Sheba's foot from that of a goat to that of a human. These silver rings were given to Judas Iscariot as payment for betraying Jesus and the wood became Jesus’ cross. It should also be noted that in "The Keys Of Solomon" it is understood that Solomon was given a ring with the six pointed star on it to enslave demons and make them construct the temple. With that in mind we wonder if this mythical Roc was benevolent or not, especially considering this has a clear association with Jay Z's Roc-A-Fella.
Relief of Orpheus (Note the swan under him)
In Roman religion, Cygnus was Orpheus, God of the underworld. Orpheus was a master musician and had the ability to charm all living things and even stones with his music. He once used it to soften the hearts of Hades and Persephone in a plea to bring his wife back from the dead. He is also said to have started the Cult of Dionysus, the worship of Hecate and is directly linked with Mithraism and the Cult of Sol Invictus.
If Orpheus is Cygnus which in turn is the Roc... Is Orpheus then the first Roc Star, or is he maybe a little more Roc-A-Fella?
Hallowed Ground: Joseph of Aramathea, The Holy Grail & King Arthur
Another reason that Glastonbury has such an air of mystery and mythology is the claims that this was the mystical land of King Arthur's Avalon and resting place of King Arthur & Guinevere. Legends also allude to it being the place where Yeshuah's (Jesus) uncle, Joseph Of Aramathea came with the Holy Grail and allegedly built the first over-ground Christian church. When arriving at Glastonbury, Joseph reportedly drove his staff into the ground and in it's place a Holy Thorn tree grew. Every year the Mayor of Glastonbury and the oldest child at the school take a cutting from the tree and it is then sent to the Queen.
Glastonbury Tor & St. Michael's Tower
Glastonbury Tor is a hill in Glastonbury on which St. Michael's Tower stands. Tor is a Celtic word which means "rock outcropping" or "hill". The Tower is all that remains of the medieval St. Michael's church that stood until an earthquake hit on September 11, 1275. It is claimed that the Tor is also an entry point to the Underworld and a place that the dead meet before they move on to another existence. The myths and legends about this place are plentiful so we implore you to research this yourself and see what you find!
IV - The fours
Beyonce's ring finger with the number 4 tattoo
Another interesting note about the festival, the artists and the Pyramid stage were the many numerological synchronicities, especially with the number 4. This year, 2011 (2+1+1=4) was the 40th anniversary of the Pyramid, There have been 4 incarnations of the stage, it is 40m x 40m, 4 times larger than its previous incarnation and has 4 kilometres of steel tubing, weighing over 40 tonnes.
This was the 4th time Coldplay played at Glastonbury. U2 numerologically adds up to 4. (U = the 20th letter.. 20+2=22 - 2+2=4). Both bands also have 4 members. And Beyonce was there to promote her new album entitled 4 which is her 4th studio album and not the reason she's calling it 4. Coldplay also have 4 studio albums and 4 of their songs have been played by NASA to wake up Astronauts aboard the Shuttles and the International Space Station commonly referred to as ISIS by NASA. This was actually another connection between the three headlining acts as all have had their music played by NASA. Check out the full length articles featuring U2, Coldplay & Beyonce for more fours and the NASA connection.
Aleister Crowley's Book IV
The number Four is symbolic of building a new foundation and the Masonic square. With the Beltane ritual and many other "False Hope" occurrences that have been happening this year, we believe they have put an era to rest and are laying the foundations of a new one. It is also the title of an important book of Magik to the elite written by Aliester Crowley. As you may already know, Jay-Z aligned himself with Crowley's teachings and with Beyonce's new tattoo on her ring finger and calling her new album "4" you can see that she has fully converted to the same beliefs.
Jay-Z wearing Crowley's motto across his chest
The Music: Lose yourself in the music tonight!
We have written some full analysis' of the three main acts which you can find here: U2 - Coldplay - Beyonce - but along with those acts there were hundreds of others that were in on the ritual and there to help fuel the revellers. It would have taken us all year to decode every performance for this article so here a few relevant pictures for you to look at. Research these bands and you will see their connection to the NWO agenda.
Primal Scream - All Seeing Eye
Biffy Clyro - Masonic Checkerboard Backdrop
Lead Singer from Pendulum - Skull Shirt
Block9: London Underground & NYC Downlow
Also at this festival you can find the Block9 Field.
"A late night wonderland of breathtaking creations and serious soundsystems will be open from sunset to sunrise and includes bars, nightclubs, a restaurant, huge art installations and extremely alternative cabaret." - Glastonbury Official Website
Block9 was home to 4 "creations"... London Underground, NYC Downlow, The Pale Blue Door and Vogue Fabrics' Disco.
London Underground, Block9's "Crowning Glory" was a rave held in an apartment tower block. Once again we'll let Glastonbury's official website describe it:
"A sinister, 50ft decaying tower block with a life-size, blazing tube train bursting from the 5th floor" - Glastonbury Official Website
London Underground at Block9
Yeah, that's right. A carriage from an underground tube train is half sticking out of the building from the fifth floor. It's a scene that melds the horrors of 9/11 and 7/7 into one pill for your subconscious to swallow and further makes you accept their apocalyptic vision of the world. If that's not sick enough, the way in to the rave was a maze of confusion similar to an initiation rite. That may sound strange and totally unbelievable but that's exactly what we saw, something strange and unbelievable! But after researching the brains behind this attraction we came to find it was true. First let us tell you what we saw...
When we were watching the BBC coverage, we were shown a presenter doing a walk around Block9, the "Seedy Section" of Glastonbury. To gain entry to the night club area the presenter was first led into a dingy and dirty looking reception lobby where two people were seated and one lady was standing by the next door. The presenter was allowed to go through the door into a room with electrical torture devices were strewn about. Two men dressed in white shirts and black ties looking auspiciously like CIA agents were there standing over a woman strapped to a chair with a hood over her head. One man then removed the hood from the terrorist's head, to show a Caucasian woman who was playing either unconscious or dead. At this point the presenter seemed quite freaked out, but was ushered into the next room. In the third room the camera zoomed in on a blood-stained mattress on the floor. The room was again dark and dirty, standing up next to the mattress and another door was a woman. This woman looked like she was possibly a prostitute and a drug addict. Through the next door was a long white hallway. This hallway had an Alice In Wonderland / Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory feel where as you ascended through the hallway it got smaller making you look bigger. At the end of the hallway was a door shaped like a refrigerator that the presenter had to then go through. Emerging from the refrigerator, the presenter finds herself in a cartoon kitchen being shouted at by three Caribbean Ladies. Confusion sets in again in the presenter's psyche and she quickly walks through the next door to find herself in a long black hallway. At the end we are shown the massive rave and the end of her distress and confusion. See the video for yourself below!
The creator of this spectacle is a man by the name of David Rosenberg. He is Director of a theatre production company called SHUNT. For seven years they were based in a subterranean 70,000 square foot area of pitch-black darkness known as The Vaults, under London Bridge Station. Rosenberg describes SHUNT as "the filthy punks of theatre".
"For the past four years, this network of cavernous chambers has hosted the strange and eerie worlds created by Rosenberg and the rest of the 10-strong collective. With Shunt, you do not so much watch shows as experience them. Tropicana led its audience through a shadowy parallel world inhabited by fugitives and theatricals; Ether Frolics recreated the feeling of being anaesthetised, which drew on Rosenberg’s experience as a doctor." - John Nathan (The Jewish Chronicle)
These "shows" are highly reminiscent of Ancient Mystery School initiations in which the adepts would take their initiates into caves and caverns in order to put the students through various rituals.
Another attraction at Block9 was NYC Downlow. A recreation of New York's retro gay scene...
"Celebrating 5 years of mayhem, Block9’s legendary NYC Downlow returns in 2011 bigger and badder than ever before. In this life-size ruin of an NYC tenement, the murky homo fantasies of The Downlow crew fuse to resurrect New York’s golden age." - Glastonbury Official Website
What the website failed to mention was similar to the train at the London Underground, NYC Downlow had a New York Yellow Cab sticking out of one of the windows. Entry into the club was only permitted if you had a moustache, real or fake. And men could get in for free if they let the doorman feel their genitals.
NYC Downlow at Block9
There was also a restaurant and hotel "The Pale Blue Door" which rented rooms for an hourly rate... and a backroom Disco hosted by VogueFabrics:
"A kinky backroom in a field. Sensory stimulus. Benidorm or Bedlam? Aversion therapy, sexual deviation, addictive obsessions, abnormal results. Behaviour modification, enlightenment, aftercare." - Glastonbury Official Website
It seems this whole area was created to do nothing but drag humans into lower acts of selfishness and worldly hedonism.
Christopher Shale: David Cameron's ROC
David Cameron with Christopher Shale
And finally when we thought it couldn't get any more bizarre, at 9 o'clock on Sunday morning a Conservative MP turned up dead in a portable toilet behind the main stage. Christopher Shale was chairman of the Conservative association, which covers Mr Cameron’s constituency of Witney, Oxfordshire. His death coincided with the publication of a leaked Conservative Party strategy memo in "The Mail on Sunday" in which he made some very unpopular remarks about the party. Shale was at Glastonbury with his family & friends staying in the £10,000 VIP area. One of these friends was Rupert Soames, CEO of Aggreko (supplies 25% of Africa with electricity), close friend of Shale and another of Winston Churchill's grandchildren. Soames allegedly was the last person to see Christopher Shale alive stating, "I last saw him as he crossed the VIP area on Saturday as he headed in the direction of the lavatories.".
Michael Shrimpton, an Intelligence & National Security analyst stated on one radio show: "I conclude on the balance of probabilities that Christopher Shale was assassinated and the probable assassinating agency is ‘GO-2' or ‘General Operations 2'". When asked why he answered "Well, he was certainly in possession of what we call ‘bio-leverage’, or high-grade intelligence damaging to a senior member of the government, and was in a position to bring it down.". Shale was also in an elite group of friends called "The Chipping Norton Set" which included many people involved with the Phone Hacking Scandal. We wonder if Shale maybe knew too much about that scandal and his death had nothing to do with the leaked memo as the scandal and Rupert Murdoch takedown only serves as another act of falsely giving the public the impression that something is being done about the corruption between the media, the police and politicians.
And in one more symbolic act, David Cameron said that Christopher Shale "was my Rock".. again with another Glastonbury "Rock" mention.
Glastonbury 2011: The Worship of False Idols and More False Hope
What we witnessed at this year's Glastonbury was firstly a confirmation of this self proclaimed new era that THEY (The Hierarchy Enslaving You) have been pushing on us, as our last article stated, and secondly that THEY are a sick bunch of lying and manipulative occultists. The BBC, the founders & organisers of the festival, and the headlining acts are all in on it. From the opening ceremony dedication of Orpheus to U2's subliminals and weird behaviour to Coldplay's subtle indoctrination to Beyonce's all out goddess and sun worship to the seedy worlds of Block9, we found that this festival was a lot more than what lies on the surface, a lot more than what we could even cover here. We strongly suggest that you do your own research into the festival and surrounding area.
In essence, this whole festival is done to condition the masses into a form of Dionysian worship. Not everyone attending partakes in the drink, drugs and promiscuity that is rife among the revellers but that's fine with THEM (The Hierarchy Enslaving Mankind). THEY have something for everybody. What ever way THEY can use you and your energy, love and emotions THEY will pounce on it and channel it for their own purposes via the "Entertainment". Come to the Pyramid Stage, worship our Idols and direct your veneration towards our massive Spiritual Satellite so we can send praise to our gods and hopefully one day they'll manifest here on Earth! Er.. No thanks!
Glastonbury 2011 (The Occult Review)